Get Involved
Are you interested in joining Rotary? As a vibrant, enthusiastic Rotary club, we welcome new members who want to make a difference in their local communities. Click on the video here to find out more about the World of Rotary International. Your experience and expertise will be highly valued by our club and, as an active Rotarian, you will appreciate what "service above self" can mean. Contact us today to find out how to join Westbourne Rotary - click here. Further Volunteering Opportunity: We are also the main organisers of the Rotary Dorset Bike Ride and if you would like to find out more about this event, or volunteer to help with it - please go to and fill in your availability on the volunteer form you will find on the website. |
Benefits of Membership
Networking |
The Rotarians in our club include a cross-section of our community's business owners, executives, managers and professionals - people who make decisions and influence policy.
Club members have many opportunities for humanitarian service, both locally and internationally. Service programmes address issues such as healthcare, hunger, poverty, literacy and the environment. Rotarians experience the fulfilment that comes from giving back to the community.
Rotary was founded on fellowship, a cornerstone that continues to attract members today. Club members who travel have friendly contacts in almost every city in the world. Rotary sponsors some of the world's largest exchange and educational programmes. Our club provides innovative training opportunities and mentoring for young leaders and involves family members in a wide range of social and service activities. Team-building, fundraising, public speaking, planning, organisation, and communication are just some of the leadership skills that club members can exercise and enhance. Being a Rotary leader provides further experience in motivating, inspiring and guiding others. |